


MeterMacs Electrical Metered Distribution System.

Please find below links to guides as PDF documents to help you register, top up, secure and use electricity at Shoreham and Southwick.

1. All electrical supplies to yard, workshops and moorings have now been converted to this new system.

2. You will need a standard three pin marina plug.

3. You will need to register with MeterMacs (MM) to use the system. A link to the website is available from the MeterMacs pages of the SYC website (Members Section) where you will find a registration guide and a pedestal user guide to download or print. The website address is:

4. You have been part pre-registered onto the MM database using information from our database (name, address, membership number). You will need to use these details when you finish your registration or the system will not recognise you.

5. You will have a four digit ID number and a four digit PIN number pre set for you. Your ID has been set at your membership number and the second is your PIN number. Your PIN number has been temporarily preset and will have been sent you you in a letter by post. Please ensure you change the PIN number element to whatever four digit number you choose upon your first registration. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO PRESERVE YOUR ACCOUNT SECURITY.

6. You will need to credit your electricity account by prepaying for some units prior to the system going live. If you do not do this on the ‘go-live’ date, power to your lead will cease.

7. You can receive warnings about the number of remaining units on your account, a reminder to top up. This will be sent by email to the email address you register on the site when you finish inputting your details.

8. The initial unit charge will be set at 25.36 pence per unit which is made up of: 13.04 pence per unit for the actual electricity (this is exactly what we are currently paying as a Club to N-Power and includes VAT at the prevailing rate) and a service charge of 12.32 pence per unit including VAT. This figure has been calculated to cover all annual service charges to SYC relating to the use of the system and for the recovery of the capital costs to SYC for the installation where, dependent on units used, has been estimated to repay the capital costs over the next seven years. The usage and cost recovery will be monitored closely and we will adjust the unit price as these estimates become more accurate over time. We will not change the unit price without advising you (changes will usually take place at the commencement of a new membership year and will be communicated through the same media as we communicate all changes to Club tariffs annually).

9. On the Go-Live date your power cable will have been unplugged just before the system is switched over. After switch over you will need to plug it back in and input your pin number to activate your account (your account needs to have been set up and credited with funds beforehand). If you have a genuine difficulty getting down to The Club and require your boat plugged in, please contact the Office and they can try and assist you remotely.

10. Any questions or problems, please contact the Yacht Club Office (please do not contact MeterMacs themselves directly. They do not have the facilities to deal with individual user issues).

Terry Kinch
Vice Commodore May 2016

Note: The system is designed and installed to supply electricity on a pre-paid metered basis. Any unauthorised use of other members’ metered supplies may be considered as theft.

Download Meter Macs 'How to Register' 601 KB PDF ››

Download Meter Macs 'Operational Instructions' 225 KB PDF ››

Posted: May 17th 2016