


Members are encouraged to further participate in the running of the club by volunteering for roles within the various committees and sections. To help people understand the structure within SYC and what each role entails we have compiled this Volunteers Directory.

Updated 12 March 2020


Flag Officers are executive officers of the club and are also Directors of the Company.

Nominations for these posts must be received by the Club Secretary between 1st and 31st of October before the AGM which is generally held in January or February.

Committee Reporting to

Volunteer Role Title


Description of Role

Members in place

Progression/ Vacancies

Main Committee


4-15 hours per week or more when required including sitting on sub-committees and attending various SYC and external functions.

The Commodore is the principal Flag Officer and is expected to invest the club with personal ideas and direction. Chairs the main committee and often attends sub section committees to observe and advise. Regular contacts with SYC staff and members, liaising over variety of matters.

Kevin Headon

Elected annually by members at AGM. Generally has previously chaired sub- committee and served as Vice Commodore. Usual length of term is 2 years.

Main Committee

Vice commodore

4-15 hours per week or more when required depending on sub-committee involvements

The Vice Commodore is second in command and is generally held by the person in line to become Commodore. Plays an important supporting role with wide ranging interests.

Terry Kinch

Elected annually by members at AGM. Generally has previously chaired sub-committee and served as Rear Commodore. Usual length of term is 2 years.

Main Committee

Rear Commodore

4-10 hours per week depending on sub-committee involvements.

SYC has 2 Rear Commodores

Mark Sharp

Adam Thompson

Elected annually by members at AGM. Previously chaired sub committees. No set term of service.

Main Committee & Finance Committee

Honorary Treasurer

Ranks as Rear Commodore

12 hours per month, plus 3 full days in preparation of the budgets, chairing the Finance Committee which is made up of budget holders from each section.

Responsible for the club finances, working with the Secretary and accountant to ensure that billing and reporting are accurate. Ensure that budget holders have control of their budgets. Provide the board with accurate and timely financial information. Presents the auditted accounts and the state of the clubs finances to the AGM. Other financial matters as directed by the board.

David Nunn

Elected annually at AGM by members. Generally has chaired other sub committees.

No fixed term of office.



Nominations for these posts must be received by the Club Secretary between 1st and 31st of October before the AGM which is generally held in January or February.

Committee Reporting to

Volunteer Role Title


Description of Role

Members in Place


Main Committee


4 hours per week average throughout the year. Attendance required throughout the year at board meetings generally held on the 3rd Monday of each month (board does not sit in August).

SYC has up to 12 directors. Elected by members at the AGM.

Chair sub committees. Guide SYC club policy and direction, represent members and present/assist generally at club events and meetings.

Nicola Besang

David Carroll

Alan Fry

Zoe Fry

Kevin Knight

Sue Large

Ann Macey

Russell Morrice

Simon Oates

John Pryke

Des Silverson

Tim Stevenson

Any shareholding member can be proposed as a Director and although preferable, there is no need to have any previous experience as a club volunteer. The club tries to have a board that represents all the club sections.

If there are more candidates than positions available, the selection of Directors is subject to an election at the AGM.

At least one third of the Directors (i.e. four) must retire annually under rotation (based on length of service), but can if they so wish immediately re-stand for election.




Committee Reporting to

Committee Reporting to


Description of Role

Members in Place


Sailing Section

Sailing Captain 2-3 hours per week and more when supporting events In overall charge of keelboat sailing at SYC, including both cruising and racing. Chairs monthly sailing section meetings. As a budget holder it is preferred that the Sailing Captain is also a Director.   Appointed by the Commodorre, or at the Commodores discretion, by election at the sailing section annual meeting.
Sailing Section Assistant 2-3 hours per week and more when supporting events To support the chair and take on projects, managing volunteer team as required. Stands for sailing captain when absent.  

Any member of SYC can become member of the sailing section committee.

Pursuit Organiser 3 busy series per season approx. 4 hours per week during events. Set dates, collate results, publish on noticeboard, adjust handicaps, set courses, publicise events. Tracks and manages trophies, retention trophies, engraving etc. David Nunn
Rally Secretary Approx. 2 hours per week, more in run up to a rally or visit to SYC by other club Organising moorings and club dinners whilst on rallies. Also in conjunction with the Club Steward/Office liasing with Rally Secretaries from clubs rallying to SYC.

Tim Worsfield

Jenni Worsfield

Trophy Secretary Intensive in run up to prize giving in November Tracks and manages trophies, retention trophies, engraving etc. Kate Leigh

Sailing Section Committee Member

2-3 hours per month or more when tasked with project/responsibility

To provide advice and support to the sailing section, taking on tasks and projects as required.

David Nunn



Committee Reporting to

Volunteer Role Title


Description of Role

Members in Place


Commodore and Main Committee

Editor 10 hours per month focused on deadlines for up to three magazines each year Maintain correct tone and content for the club magazine, encouraging members to submit articles and images for publication. Edit all content and write articles as required, liaising with external professional graphic designer and printers. Spencer Neal Volunteer with suitable skills/experience apppointed by the Commodore.
Proof Reader 5 hours for each of the three issues Proof read magazine before publication.   Any member may volunteer
Advertising Manager 5 hours for each of three issues Liaise with existing and seek additional advertisers in club magazine Spencer Neal Any member may volunteer


No time attached

Submit articles and images to editor


All club members are encouraged to send the editor articles and images for consideration for publication in the club magazine 'Wavelength'



Committee Reporting to

Volunteer Role Title


Description of Role

Members in Place


Commodore and Main Committee

Chair 12 hours per month throughout the year

Chair projects, visit SYC sites, drive project sub-committees. Assist in organisation of Boatwains work, yard organisation, boat lifting and policy of such including member enquiries over yard and mooring facilities/charges.

As a major budget holder it is important that the M&M Chair is also a Club Director.

Mark Sharp Club members can join the M&M Committee.
Committee Member 6 hours per month

To provide advice and support to M&M taking on tasks and projects as required.

Attend M&M meetings




Committee Reporting to

Volunteer Role title


Description of Role

Members in Place



Shore Based Helper

No min but up to 20 times a year at weekends 3-6hr sessions

(Training given)

Able bodied crew with powerboat experience are also required to assist in the safety boat.

Volunteers are required to meet and greet disabled sailors, make tea, ensure they are received and registered, help them get kitted out with life-jackets and other equipment, escorting disabled sailors on the pontoon and helping them get in and out of the boats.

Assistance with fund raising and other administrative tasks is also required at times other than on sailing sessions.

Volunteers required with sailing or other boating experience to help rig and de-rig sailing boats, assist with launching and recovering boats, maintain and repair our boats. You may also be asked to assist a skipper as able-bodied crew on the water with disabled sailors.

Each of our larger sailing boats experienced skipper to be in overall control and help train and develop the sailing skills of our disabled sailors. We would particularly welcome experiences small keel boat or dinghy sailors, ideally with qualifications of at least RYA Assistant instructor

We require at least 2 RYA Safety Boat qualified volunteers for each sessions to provide safety boat cover for dinghies on the Adur River and at sea.

Able bodied crew with powerboat experience are also required to assist in the safety boat.

Contact Sussex Sailability

If you have an RYA Safety Boat qualification or a PB2 licence we would like to hear from you.

More volunteers are required on the safety boats

Competent Crew

No min up to 20 times a year at weekends 3-6 hour sessions

(training Given)


No min but up to 20 times a year. 3-6 hour sessions

(training available)


Safety Boat

No min but up to 20 times a year. 3-6 hour sessions

(training available)




Committee Reporting to

Volunteer Role Title


Description of Role

Members in Place


  Assistant Instructors Min 4 times a year up to 30 times a year. This would be evenings would be evenings of 2-3 hour sessions or days 7 hours each. This role involves working with one of the club qualified club instructors and would require a RYR qualification. This is a 2 day course and would be funded and run by the club.  

This would suit those happy working with youth and some of our disabled sailors.

More volunteers are needed as instructors and trainee instructors

  Instructors Min 4 times a year up to 30. This would be evenings of 2-3 hour sessions or days 7 hours each This role requires working as part of the training team in a discipline you are qualified in either powerboat or dinghy sailing 8 members
  Senior Instructor Min 4 times a year up to 30. This would be evenings of 2-3 hour sessions or days 7 hours each This role requires an RYA S1 certificate. You will be responsible for all those on the water and ensure the team deliver a safe and fun RYA course. 5 members
  Rigger 4 max 6 Tuesday evenings May to Aug This role involves helping rig and launch dinghies for the family and cadets activity at Southwick To be updated May 2020
  Dinghy Bosun Approx 30 hours per year April-October

You would be responsible for the fleet of the club dinghies reporting to the training principal.

Activities would be managing repair of dinghy fleet. It is envisaged that different bosuns will managed different fleets




Committee Reporting to

Volunteer Role


Description of Role

Members in Place


House and Main

Chair of Committee One meeting per month, approx. 1 hour extra work per fortnight, attendance at various functions. Assist with preparing room for big events and occasional project work Chair of house meetings, liaise with flag officers, steward, office about matters affecting the interior of the premises, the bar and catering. Costing, advertising and running functions. Dealing with compliments and complaints. Forward planning and budgeting Sue Large As budget holder is preferable that post holder is also director.

Committee member

One meeting per month, appox 1 hour extra work a week, attendance at various functions. Assist with preparing room for big events and occasional project work

General committee work relating to the running of the functions and indoor activities at the club. May be asked to take on specific assignments eg source furniture, source music etc.


SYC members are welcome to join the house committee.



Committee Reporting to

Volunteer Role


Description of Role

Members in Place


Commodore and Main Committee

Chair of Committee

Irregular meetings before and after annual event and attendance at event each May.

Annually circa 7-14 days work.

Organise all aspects of the event including liasion with SRF and other organisations/suppliers/supporters in both UK and Fécamp (Chair is a budget holder). Presents race briefing in UK and prize-gving in France.

Maintain and update race website/documents including risk assessment and safety procedures.

C Warriner

Commodores appointment without a fixed term.

Race Director Irregular meetings and attendance at event. In overall charge of racing and safety inspections. Steve Thomas

Members are welcome to volunteer for any role.

Race Secretary Irregular meetings and attendance at event. Organisation of race entries and results preparations pre-race and then results and event organisation in Fécamp during event. Tracey Thomas
Race Safety Officer (UK) Irregular meetings and on call during event. Person who in the event of bad weather or other adverse situation would be called in to assist from the Sussex Yacht Club premises. tba
Gate Controller Irregular meetings and duty on Brighton Pier at race start In charge of the pier head gate team registering competitors before the start. Neil Prescott with up to 2 volunteers.
Race Officer (OOD) Irregular meetings and aboard FPV Watchful at the start. Official on the water in charge of race start. Ian O'Dell

Start Team (Watchful)

Irregular meetings and aboard FPV Watchful at the start. Assists Race Officer during the start including flags, observation and guns aboard FPV Watchful  
Start Team (Support Boats) Irregular meetings and aboard support/safety boats during start On water support including mark laying and safety afloat. Powerboat qualifications essential.

Kevin Knight

Race Controller France Irregular meetings and attendance at event. Leads finishing team in Fécamp. Gary Gathergood
Finishing Team France Irregular meetings and attendance at event. Variety of duties in France including finishing/sign-off through the night and prize-giving setup/clear down.

Kevin Headon

Dave Terry


Posted: October 19th 2017