The Regular Magazine for Sussex Yacht Club Members
Wavelength is an A4 glossy magazine that is published two or three times a year. If you have not had a hard copy posted to your home address then you probably need to contact the office and join SYC!
If you have an idea for an article in Wavelength then the first step is to write it - we are always seeking new and interesting stories to publish. You can submit your text as a Word document or as an email - we can handle just about any file type.
Although we have a good library of SYC images to fall back on, it is always preferable if images can be supplied to go with your article. We can't use pictures copied from websites as they are just too small to reproduce in print, so ideally we will ask you for the image files fresh from your camera. Most phones are capable these days of generating reasonable pictures, but if you are in doubt then just ask us and we'll have a look.
Editor: Spencer Neal
Advertise in Wavelength and on the Website
The economy is under a cloud and the chill wind of cutbacks has scattered marketing budgets. Looking at Wavelength dispassionately it was clear that the advertising rates were unrealistic, so after a careful review the rates have been substantially dropped. We are also launching a new classified section which will feature in the next issue, along with advertisers being able to include a banner on the SYC website. If you want further details then please email or call the office. Email or call 01273 464868
- Back cover £100
- Page £90
- Half page £50
- Quarter page £30
- Eighth page £20
- Classified section £1 per line.
- Website Banner: To get on the SYC website home page with a banner in the rotating carousel adds £20 and runs for the life of the Wavelength issue the ad appears in (the carousel is shared with equal exposure for all advertisers). If you wish to only advertsise on the website then please ask us for details.
Posted: June 24th 2013