Share the passion
Founded in 1892, Sussex Yacht Club (SYC) is a members’ sailing club with superb modern facilities. A home to yachts and boats of all sizes, our main clubhouse, extensive boatyard and moorings are on the River Adur and our original clubhouse and locked moorings are inside Shoreham Port itself.
We are one of the most established yacht clubs in Sussex with keen racing and rallying fleets. We are home to a dinghy section where particular attention is given to youth sailors, as well as a rapidly growing Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) section and a very enthusiastic outrigger canoe club. Our dive section has its own rigid inflatable boat (RIB), and diving takes place throughout the year.
We are also very proud to have established Sussex Sailability, a charity encouraging and supporting disabled people to start sailing, develop their skills and gain qualifications.
Upcoming events
“It's all about the pleasure of getting out on the water”
Get involved at SYC
Membership at SYC is open to everybody. Join us to make the most of our ‘on the water’ activities, popular social events – not to mention our marvellous views of the river, delicious food, and discounted drinks available in our Members’ Bar and Stow’s Restaurant.

Sussex Yacht Club is a community and is a community website. Within our website pages we will often include photographs of our community. If you object to your face or that of a family member appearing in an image used on our website please contact us and we take steps to remove the offending image for you.